Provision of Integrated Marketing Campaign for OMRAN Group’s Hospitality Assets

Provision of Integrated Marketing Campaign for OMRAN Group’s Hospitality Assets

Tender No. 38/2023
Subject Provision of Integrated Marketing Campaign for OMRAN Group’s Hospitality Assets
Brief OMRAN Group is seeking proposals from qualified marketing agencies to develop and execute an integrated marketing campaign to promote the special offerings and experiences of its owned hospitality assets, and subsidiaries.
Tender Fees N/A
Grade International and Local (Excellent, Grade A)
Experience Companies Specialised in Marketing Campaigns
Tender Document Sale Start Date 5.10.2023
Tender Document Sale Close Date 16.10.2023
Tender Submission Closing Date 26.10.2023 not later than 12 PM
Tender Documents Collection Process 1.     Request to OMRAN Group email:

2.     OMRAN Group will send the digital Tender Document to the bidder accordingly

Tender Submission All Bidders are required to submit their Tender Submission at the reception area at:

OMRAN Group Office at Madinat Al Irfan

Way: 3, Building No: 305, Complex No: 303

P.O Box: 991, P.C: 130 Al Athaiba

Sultanate of Oman

Vendor Registration All vendors interested in this tender are requested to register in the Joint Suppliers Registration System (JSRS) prior to making any submissions to OMRAN Group.