Expression of Interest (EoI) Main Construction Works of Four Seasons and other Development

Expression of Interest (EoI) Main Construction Works of Four Seasons and other Development

Tender No. 14/2024
Subject Expression of Interest (EoI) Main Construction Works of Four Seasons and other Development
Brief Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the Pre-Qualification Process for the Main
Construction Works consisting of Four Seasons Development and other future medium
to large scale developments.
Scope of Work OMRAN Group is seeking for Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) to participate in the
Pre-Qualification Process for the main construction works consisting of the Four
Seasons Development and other future medium to large scale developments.
Grade Local (Excellent Grade) and international companies
Experience Specialized in establishing, completing, and delivering integrated tourism complex
projects and mixed-use real estate and tourism development projects
How to Apply Visit Omran Web Site to Download the EOI Prequalification Document via:
EoI Submission Closing Date Not later than 10:00AM on July 23, 2024
Vendor Registration All interested Bidder are required to submit their EOI response, compliant with the EOI
& Prequalification Document requirements to Omran via email:
Attached the tender file 1 Four Seasons EOI for prequalification process final Signed
Attached the tender file 2 EOI Template