Provision of Engineering Consultancy Services (Design & Supervision) for Refurbishment of Atana Khasab Hotel in Musandam Governorate

Provision of Engineering Consultancy Services (Design & Supervision) for Refurbishment of Atana Khasab Hotel in Musandam Governorate

Tender No. 20/2022
Subject Provision of Engineering Consultancy Services (Design & Supervision) for Refurbishment of Atana Khasab Hotel in Musandam Governorate.
Brief Full hotel renovation which includes refurbishment of existing rooms, reception, dining area, landscape and façade etc.
Tender Fees R.O. 50  – Non-refundable
Grade N/A
Experience Good experience in consultancy services
Tender Document Sale Start Date 05.06.2022
Tender Document Sale Close Date 09.06.2022
Tender Submission Closing Date 26.06.2022 – Not later than 02:00PM
Tender Documents Collection Process All interested bidders are requested to do the following:

1-     Deposit Tender Fees (mentioned above) into OMRAN’s bank account

2-     Send payment evidence to OMRAN email:

3-     OMRAN will send the digital Tender Document to the bidder accordingly

Bank Details Beneficiary: Oman Tourism Development Co. SAOC

Bank: Bank Muscat – Branch: Al Khuwair – Sultanate of Oman

Account No. 0317008860360019


Finance Code: 11476301

Tender Submission All Bidders are required to submit their Tender Submission at the reception area at:

OMRAN Office at Madinat Al Irfan

Way: 3, Building No: 305, Complex No: 303

P.O Box: 991, P.C: 130 Al Athaiba

Sultanate of Oman

Vendor Registration All Bidders are required to complete a vendor registration at:

prior to making any submissions to OMRAN.


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