Design, Build, and Manage a Tourist Carnival at North Al Sharqia Governorate

Design, Build, and Manage a Tourist Carnival at North Al Sharqia Governorate

Tender No. 43/2023
Subject Design, Build, and Manage a Tourist Carnival at North Al Sharqia Governorate
Brief OMRAN Group is seeking a qualified contractor to design, build, and manage the components of a tourist carnival in the North Al Sharqia Governorate. The carnival will feature a variety of corners designated for different services and activities, including hospitality, shopping outlets, heritage and culture zones, food and beverage outlets, a theater, mixed-use areas, and more. The contractor must provide end-to-end solutions and prioritize safety and quality. This includes providing comprehensive solutions, giving priority to safety considerations, and ensuring the quality and sustainability of materials and components so that they can be reused in similar events in the future.
Tender Fees R.O. 50 – Non-refundable
Grade Local (Second and First Grade) and international companies
Experience Previous experience in engineering design and construction services
Tender Document Sale Start Date 08.10.2023
Tender Document Sale Close Date 12.10.2023
Tender Submission Closing Date 19.10.2023 – Not later than 02:00 PM
Tender Documents Collection Process All interested bidders are requested to do the following:

1-   Deposit Tender Fees (mentioned above) into OMRAN’s bank account.

2-   Send payment evidence to OMRAN email:

3-   OMRAN will send the digital Tender Document to the bidder accordingly

Bank Details Beneficiary: Oman Tourism Development Co. SAOC

Bank: Bank Muscat – Branch: Al Khuwair – Sultanate of Oman

Account No. 0317008860360019


Finance Code: 11476301

Tender Submission All Bidders are required to submit their Tender Submission at the reception area at:

OMRAN Group Office at Madinat Al Irfan

Way: 3, Building No: 305, Complex No: 303

P.O Box: 991, P.C: 130 Al Athaiba

Sultanate of Oman

and by Email:


Vendor Registration All vendors interested in this tender are requested to register with Joint Suppliers Registration System (JSRS) prior to making any submissions to OMRAN Group.

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